From the top of the head of a small village boy living in a big city. Don't even get me started on Slovenian or English grammar... I've given up a long time ago.
24 December 2010
Out of Office...
Potni list je v zepu, letalska karta sprintana, nahrbtnik pripravljen pri vratih in Heathrow baje ociscen in funkcionira.... "What is your good name Sir?" ze odmeva v glavi :)
Uzivajte cez praznike in krasen zacetek 2011!
20 December 2010
Vsakemu ščetko v roke...
Počasi se bodo morali tudi tukaj naučiti, da vsako zimo zapade nekaj snega in da se morajo na to pripraviti. Do takrat pa... upam, da zadevo uredijo!
Karta in viza sta v žepu, nahrbtnik pripravljen....
09 December 2010
Prevec se dogaja...
Studentje so se odlocili protestirat, amapak kar nekaj jih je izgubilo razsodnost in situacija ni roznata. Zakaj protestirajo? Zaradi dviga solnin in 3000 na 6000, potencialno na 9000 funtov na leto. Ja, veliko denarja. Ampak denar mora od nekje izvirat. Ali iz davkov, ali od non-EU studentov ali pa iz solnin. In ce se solnine podre z dobrim sistemom poceni posojil, ki je zacnes placevati, ko tvoja placa preseze postavljen nivo, potem je to treba malce bolj trezno premisliti.
Glede na moje izkusnje iz studentskih let solnina ni napacna zadeva. Ampak seveda samo ce je podprta s sistemom stipendij in poceni posojil, ki so dostopna vsem in cloveska.
Poslovni model...
Vceraj so mi predstavili zelo zanimivi igri. Vsak dan prodajo par hi-tech stvari (iPad, home cinema,...) za najmanjso unikatno ponujeno ceno. Torej, ce si edini, ki je ponudil 1 penij (v EU cent) potem si za 1p + cena ponudbe kupil kakovosten domaci kino.
Seveda je vkljucenih nekaj ekonomskih in nekaj psiholoskih trikov:
- vsaka ponudba te stane 1.5 funta
- ce ponudis npr 20p in je toliko ponudil ze nekdo drug, potem ti sporocijo, da tvoja ponujena cena ni unikatna
- ce ponudis npr. 57p in je tvoja ponudba unikatna, potem ti to sporocijo. Hkrati pa ti sporocijo, ce je to najnizja unikatna ponudba v tem trenutku ali ne in tu ce je na voljo kaksna nizja cena, ki se ni bila ponujena
- ce je ponudba unikat, ti sporocijo takoj, ko se nekdo odda enako ponudba
Seveda je tekla debata o tem kaksna je najboljsa strategijo. Sedaj pa je treba napisat program in stestirat. :) Seveda bo firma zasluzila, mogoce pa tudi mi :)
04 November 2010
Bilo je prvic. Rekli so da ne bo bolelo. Ni bolelo, vendar ni bilo prijetno. Potem sem potreboval
"a strong drink". C'e la vie...
03 November 2010
Slovenska ambasada v Londonu je poslala obvestilo o natecaju Poslikajmo Slovenijo. Pa sem sel na stran in se odlocil, da bom dodal nekaj svojih slik. Seveda se je potrebno prijaviti. In za to je potrebno vnesti naslov. In kot del naslova je potrebno vnesti postno stevilko. Moja postna stevilka pac ni slovenska in je v formatu XX1X 1XX. Izkaze se, da ne morem izpolniti prijave, ce ne vnesem necesa v formatu slovenske postne stevilke. Dajte malce odpret obzorja... No ja, there is always a workaround. Lahko dam naslov starsev, lahko pa vnesem stevilko, ki preslepi sistem in jim naredi se vecjo zmedo? Pa naj malce razmisljajo...
26 October 2010
Pisem z desno...
Naslednji rek pripisujejo kar nekaj ljudem in zato ne bom citiral, vendar neko bolj pameten/izkusen kot jaz je nekoc dejal: "Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of
want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head" oziroma prosto po Klemnu: "Ce nisi na levi ko si mlad nimas srca in ce nisi na desni ko imas druzino nimas pameti." No, s tem se sicer ne strinjam, ampak... nekaj pa je na tem.
Naj bo to uvod v moj problem. V firmi bomo imeli veliko reorganizacijo in nekaj ljudi bo najverjetneje izgubilo sluzbo. Jaz sem varen, ker z moji direktorjem sele gradiva oddelek, ki je novost v reorganiziji. Kar pa ne pomeni, da je vse roznato. Problem nastane, ko ti aktivno isces ljudi, vsi ostali pa imajo negotovo prihodnost. Pa ni problem v odnostih v firmi. OK, vcasih pride kaksna opazka. Pa kaj... Kar mi predstavlja vecji problem je kako obravnavati prijave znotraj firme. Jasno je, da nihce od trenutno zaposlenih nima znanja/izkusenj, ki jih potrebujemo. Vendar je treba zaradi situacije obravnavati to skrajno pazljivo... Ali naj gledam na to skrajno poslovno in kaj je potrebuje firma ali kako obdrzati ljudi. In ce vzamemo nekoga notranjega in investiramo pol leta izbrazevanja in ucenja in se izkaze, da to se vedno ni to... kaj potem?
Ja ja... treba je dobit pravo razmerja... ampak glava ve kaj naj! Srce pa tudi....
Za zupana ste izvolili priseljenca. In to temnopoltega!!! Res sem presenecen. Bravo... ponosen sem na to kako odprti ste bili. Vprasanje pa je v kolikih obcinah bi bilo to mogoce. Upam, da v veliko in ne samo na obmocjih, ki so bolj narodnostno mesana.
Hkrati pa je to verjetno najvecja reklama za Slovenijo poleg svetovnega prvenstva. Vecina velikih medijev je to objavila kot novicko in kar nekaj sodelavcev je prislo danes do mene po komentar.
25 October 2010
Soncni vzhod...
Ampak je bil lep.
11 October 2010
Blackberry, Blackberry v roki povej...
Pred kratkim sem odprl zemljevid na mojem Blackberry-u in radovednost me je popeljala na zemljevid okolice Tolmin in Baske Grape - prosto po Research in Motion. Sem se nasmejal....

08 October 2010
Koliko pozornosti potrebuje....
07 October 2010
Na letaliscu...
V Munichen sva letela iz London City letalisca in takoj, ko sem prisel na letalisce so me preplavili spomini na zgodnje lete v Svico in nenormalne ure, ki smo jih delali na projektu.... brrr....
Se je pa splacalo iti skozi to, saj je bil Oktoberfest super! Nekaj slik je na Pobarvanih Trenutkih.
01 October 2010
Danes odhajam...
Oktoberfest prihajam... In baje imajo zame pripravljene ta prave lederhosen. Mogoce pa od jutri naprej ne bom vec nosil kavbojk.
28 September 2010
Perpetuum Mobile? Ne, ne,...
Povabilo prijateljem je poslano, dve pa sta ze na emailu! Se veselim....
26 September 2010
Vse je drugace...
Na dan vstopa sem bil v Sloveniji in v skladu z mojo zeljo, da vedno ko sem pri nas dozivim neko novo zadevo, sva sla z Laro letet s padalom iz Kobale nad Tolminom. Super zadeva... na zacetku se sicer pocutis malce cudno, ko teces (vsaj hoces tect) po hribu navzdol, ampak ko te dvigne je pa to nekaj novega. Nekaj slik je na Pobarvanih trenutkih.
15 September 2010
11 September 2010
26 August 2010
Stanovanje ni vec...
23 August 2010
Cez vikend sem zamenjal ...
01 August 2010
I want to ride...

... My bicycle. No ja, Borisovo kolo (Boris je zupan Londona).
Minuli teden je v Londonu startal program javnih koles, kjer za funt na dan (ali 45 na leto) dobis dostop do kolesa na eni izmed mnogih tock v Londonu ter neomejeno stevilo do pop urnih vozenj. Ampak to ne pomeni, da ne mores preprosto nekje vrniti kolesa po 25 min, vzeto novega in odditi naprej.
Ker je to se novo, te avti pozdravljajo, ljudje na cesti in v avtih sprasujejo koliko stane in kaksno je kolo... Zgleda da bo to z lahkoto zazivelo. Jaz jih bom uporabljal z voznjo v sluzbo in nazaj. Sicer je sistem kopiran iz Pariza in verjetno po potrebo vec kot 6000 koles kolikor jih je sedaj, pa vendar... Sedi Boris, odlicno pet.
24 July 2010
18 July 2010
15 July 2010
14 July 2010
Zazelel sem...
... najbolj iskren srecno do sedaj, se odmaknil in pocasi odkorakal proti stanovanju.
Zanimivo mi je bilo kako razpolozenje diktira kaj nasi (vsaj moji) cuti zaznavajo. Moji koraki so odmevali po prazni tlakovani ulici. Ob kraju je sedel brezdomec in potiho igral na orglice. Nasproti mi je prisel objet par. Pred mano je v ulico zavil taksi in odbrzel naprej... Ko sem vstopal nisem vedel ali naj se se enkrat ozrem po ulici ali ne...
13 July 2010
Hr, hr...
... hrcek!
Kaksen teden nazaj sem objavil sliko vse sare g lasti mojega cimra. Danes je njegova punca presortirala par teh vrec in med drugim nasla baci cokoladice, ki jim je rok pretekel v aprilu 200 pazi to 6!!!
12 July 2010
Spanska okupacija...
09 July 2010
V petek zvecer se v Londonu...
08 July 2010
Pred vhodom...
06 July 2010
Pa sem mislil...

... da imam jaz veliko sare.
Danes smo dobili veliko posiljko iz ikeje in dostavili stvari od cimra v novo stanovanje. Dobro da smo imeli ta velik kombi ker ce ne... no, toliko stvari ima da je bilo treba zlagati stvari eno na drugo. in ne, nic od tega ni pohistvo! Se bo zanimivo...
Sledi Ikea party...
04 July 2010
Nikoli se mi ni bilo..
... potrebno javljati starsem, da sem srecno prispel.
Delujemo po principu ce je kaj narobe bo ze poklical, ce je pa tako narobe da ne more, bo pa nekdo drug.
Vceraj sem bil do poznega vecera pri kolegu in ko sem odhajal mi je rekel, naj mu sprocim, ko pridem domov (zivi v malce bolj nevarnem predelu - vendar nic bolj kot jaz pred selitvijo). Jaz sem seveda veselo pozabil in danes zjutraj je zaskrbljen precekiral in me ostel...
Zgleda, da se bom moral malce pred 30 nauciti tudi tega.
30 June 2010
Po skoraj 4 mesecih...
27 June 2010
Se vedno...
No, to je bolj zaradi HR in njihovih procedur (in procesij) - preverjajo kje vse sem bil obsojen in kolikokrat sem bankrotiral. Ce bo vse prav (vsa preverjanja koncana) zacnem se ta teden...
Tako da zadnja dva tedna pohajam po Londonu in okolici. Na spancir v Oxford, polezat v park, v kino, se dobit s prijatelji, razstave, vecerje, seveda nogomet... ma mi ni slabo. Med vrhunce pa sigurno spada ogled tekme na centralnem igriscu Wimbeldona, nogometna tekma Anglija - Nemcija in BBQ na terasi privat stanovanja (navijali za Nemce ;) ) ter film Whatever Works.
23 June 2010
Nogometna tekma...
22 June 2010
Slovenia vs England predictions...
I've played around a bit with numbers (wanted to also get the financials for the football associations, but the Slovenian doesn't seem very transparent :D - yeah, you don't have to tell me, I know... (about financials and transparency :)) and came to the conclusion that Slovenia doesn't stand a chance on paper. But as we say in Slovenia: "Paper withstands everything", i.e. you can write a lot of cr*p, but it doesn't mean it will happen! ;)
So, what do the numbers suggest (of course the score is not a linear correlation, but what the hell...)?
Pool of people (population - wiki): 51M vs 2M or 25:1
Value of teams ( 440M€ vs 45M€ or 9:1
Salaries of coaches ( 8.8M€ vs 245k€ or 35:1
Number of players ( 4.2M vs 0.1M or 42:1
Number of proffesional players ( 6110 vs 284 or 21:1
Number of amateur players (18+) ( 657k vs 10k or 65:1
Number of clubs ( 40k vs 328 or 121:1
Of course all above is a load of rubbish, but all in all (I really wanted to use summa summarum, but I'm not sure it is used in English...) you would really expect England to beat Slovenia on any given day. But where there is a will there is a way and our players are a good bunch that doesn't plan to be a spectator in the game.
My honest prediction? England needs to win and has the quality to win. They will pull it together and show a much better display than in previous games. So yes, if I would bet, I would go for England even though I believe and hope that our boys can get at least a draw.
But whatever happens the Slovenian teams has already surpassed expectations and...
16 June 2010
Vuvuzele niso najbolj nadlezene...
Spletna stran Dela je bila moj glavni vir novic o Sloveniji. Vendar pa so me sedaj dokoncno izgubili s svojimi reklamami, ki so odprejo rahlo nakljucno in so obupno glasne in odbijajoce. Cau cau... grem h konkurenci!
03 June 2010
All good things...
I will not dwell on highlights and lessons learned - not just yet... I have another week in Slovenia before I get back to life as usual (if it will ever be the same :D). I've also uploaded some photos from my last two destinations.
26 May 2010
Current state of mind...
To all non Slovenian this will probably make no sense what so ever if you don't translate the lyrics... and even then :P
1) Cisto pravi gusar - Also as adults we should be entering the fairytale world and letting ourselves go....
Vse naše pravljice s papirja nam bežijo,
junaki njihovi med nami živijo.
Vse naše pravljice zaklepamo v svet zase,
na vratih piše le:"Ni vhoda za odrasle."
Pustite nam ta svet,
nedolžen in drugačen,
naj vsak ki vanj je ujet,
bo pristen, ne popačen.
Vse naše pravljice, so naše prve želje,
kdor ne sanja več naj ne zahaja vanje.
Vse naše pravljice so stvarnost, ne prividi,
kdor sam ni del tega, ne sliši in ne vidi.
Pustite nam ta svet,
nedolžen in drugačen,
naj vsak ki vanj je ujet,
bo pristen, ne popačen.
2) Kekec - Let's see how long I can keep it up after coming back... ;)
Jaz pa pojdem in zasejem
dobro voljo pri ljudeh.
V eni roki nosim sonce,
vdrugi roki zlati smeh.
Kdor vesele pesmi poje
gre po svetu lahkih nog,
če mu kdo nastavi zanko,
ga užene v kozji rog.
Jaz pa pojdem in zasejem
dobro voljo pri ljudeh.
V eni roki nosim sonce,
vdrugi roki zlati smeh.
Bistri potok, hitri veter,
bele zvezde vrh gora,
gredo z mano tja do konca
tega širnega sveta.
Jaz pa pojdem in zasejem
dobro voljo pri ljudeh.
V eni roki nosim sonce,
vdrugi roki zlati smeh.
3) Poletje v skoljki - No comment :)
Dlan išče dlan,
da res prepletejo se prsti,
v stiskih nežnih, gorkih, čvrstih,
na dobri dan ...
Dlan išče dlan,
dotik dotiku gre naproti,
nasmeh z nasmehom se zaloti,
na dobri dan ...
Odveč so izrabljene besede,
pogled potaplja se v poglede,
v podobe sanj,
na dobri dan ...
Dlan išče dlan,
vzkipelo je pričakovanje,
z dlanjo se poiskala dlan je,
na dobri dan,
na takšen dan,
na dobri dan ...
Dlan išče dlan,
dotik dotiku gre naproti,
nasmeh z nasmehom se zaloti,
na dobri dan ...
Vzkipelo je pričakovanje,
z dlanjo se poiskala dlan je,
na dobri dan,
dlan išče dlan, podobe sanj,
dlan išče dlan, podobe sanj,
na dobri dan ...
25 May 2010
"Why not??"...
Exclaimer: The more squeamish of you may want to stop reading here.
And this answer goes also for question: "Do you eat ... (insert anything that has a mother and is not human)?". The only thing Smy (the guide) doesn't eat is wild chicken... go figure! Something to do with the spirits as they are animists.
In that mode we went for a night creek "fishing/hunting/collecting" expedition and had a night snack of small fish, crab and frog - all eaten in full with bones/shells. Had a guana for lunch on the last day and loads of different plants and fruits along the way. But no, it doesn't finish here.. after the trek was over he took us (I was travelling with an Ozzie guy) for some more food tasting. But because his friend already sold the monkey we had to settle for dog meat and eggs with fetus.
I've posted some photos from Ratanakiri on Pobarvani trenutki, but the food section was documented by Drew and here is the midnight snack.

17 May 2010
Job interview...
16 May 2010
When you think it can't get...
Due to loads of different IT issues (viruses, Picassa malfunction, connections,..) I can't give you a proper update, but finally, I manager to get at least a taster of Laos to my Pobarvani trenutki (Moments coloured in).
12 May 2010
Should I stay...
The end is slowly approaching and I need to decide if I want to speed up a bit and see at least some of the planned things or slow down even more and unwind completely before flying back. :) I guess it will all depend on the mood and company when I get to Si Phan Don which is supposed to be even more relaxed than other placed in Laos (don't know how that is possible). But before that I'm renting a moto tomorrow and going to get lost in central Laos.
In the last days I noticed that my addiction with sticky rice (*I* *love* *it* and can't get enough of it) is helping me to pile on any kg that I might have lost in Cambodia and Vietnam. :) And I also took a cooking course so that I can maintain my addiction back home. :P
Apart from the cooking class I also went to see their traditional opera and although I can't say it is my prefered type of art it was definetely a good experience. But these days also brought a new highlight of my travels. I went to an elephant sanctuary to get to know more about them and bathing them was brilliant! Mine was super playful splashing around all the time. Loved it!
P.S.: Puntaaaaaar!!! :)
09 May 2010
Feels like...
If you would compare Laos and Slovenia you could use the phrase that is heard constantly all over SE Asia: Same same, but different! I know some of you will go WTF, but the landscape is very similar apart from the wider rivers and tropical vegetation. Both countries don't have anything special re resources or industry and are a crossroad for bigger neighboring countries. There are no big cities and even the capitals are small and relaxed.
Anyway... I feel almost like at home. Loving it! There were just to many photos and events to write everything down...
Luang Prabang is a nice French colonial town with is in a way very similar to Hoi An in Vietnam. Old, chilled out, a bit up market due to turism... but Luang Prabang has a few additional elements. Mainly loads of temples and monks and the night market.
After I headed up the Nam Ou river to Nong Kiaw and Muang Ngoi Neua. Both are in a high mountain valley with spectacular views! And specially Muang Ngoi Neua is very small. It is only accessible my river and there are no cars, no motobikes... even no bicycles. There is electricity... but only between 6 pm and 10 pm. I loved it... went to even smaller villages around, kayaking, going to caves, bathing in the river, playing with children and the guys I met there are really nice. I almost stayed even longer, but I'm slowly starting to run out of time... two or three more days in Luang Prabang and then I need to head south!
28 April 2010
Follow up...
26 April 2010
I'm slowly saying goodbye to Vietnam and moving on. Sure there is more to see and more to do and I was thinking of extending my visa and skipping Laos. But decided not to...
Sapa and Halong Bay were amazing although very turisty. But especially in Sapa you can steer of the beaten track quite fast and have some peace. :) I also met some interesting and nice people to keep me company during these days - interestingly enough they were all north american.
But I also met another Slovenian - when we were watching football (English premiership) he came to me and told me that "they" will beat "us" in the world cup!?! That aside they guy turned out to be a loose cannon... I wanted to write a whole rant on this topic but I decided to keep it in my notebook. All I will write is... I'm a human being first. And then I'm a member of my family. And then I'm defined by my close friends. And only then do other kind of attachments like nationality come into place. Therefore, if you are Slovenian, but an idiot (according to my own, for many other people probably wrong standards) I do not feel any kind of need to spend time with you!
Anyway... you have new photos uploaded.
19 April 2010
As my dear friend says...
The days in Hanoi were up and down... after the initial news that my parents are delayed I spent the evening with Pete and Freyja before they departed for Bangkok. Bia Hoi (15p for one) on the side of street with the small chairs spilling out to the crossroads. But the joy is often interupted by passing of the police as everybody has to pick up their chair and cram on the pavement. But hey, minute later everything is back to normal. We ended a night in a lock in bar and then tried to find our way back home. In the end we all three took one cyclo with Pete sharing the driver's seat with the guy and draging his feet on the ground.
The next day was spent searching for updates about the big bad vulcano and it's ashes and ended in the decision that family isn't coming to visit. When the decision was made final it was the first time that I felt alone. I walked out of the crowded and noisy internet hallway towards the room feeling rather lousy. But I didn't have to walk long until an old guy called me back for tea by the side of street. A fascinating guy who travelled most of the world and also knew how to curse in Serbian. Had a couple of cups of tea with him and a phone call from UK my spirits were once more up and wanting more. Speaking with the guy it turns out that he called after me because of my "happy pants" or "clown monthly trousers" or whatever you want to call them... photos to follow in the next batch :)
It's a big shame that family didn't make it but there is nothing any of us could do about it. C'est la vie and I'm heading to Sapa on the night train.
And to finish a story on how to outweasel a weasel :D I was buying weasel coffee which is quite expensive and it is quite difficult not to get piiiiiip. But since I'm used to eating coffee beans I played the role of an expert, took a bean and ate it. Hmm... not quite the right quality is it? He smiled, brought a different vase from behind the counter and gave me a lower price than quoted for the previous one straight away. We had a cup in his shop and it was good.
17 April 2010
And ashes...
After planning the moment in my head for a year, arriving to the meeting point, already gathering information for the coming two weeks and being childishly excited about the arrival of my parents and brothers tomorrow morning, I got a text for my dad. They are stuck in Vienna - airport was closed a couple of hours before they were supposed to take off! :( I really hope that they reopen the airport tomorrow and that they can make their way here!
But as promised I found time and uploaded 3 new albums to my coloured moments page.
Over and out from Hanoi - going for food and coffee
13 April 2010
This is much...
A very quick update, but I promise photos this week (hopefully I'll manage) :)
1) From Ho Chi Ming City I headed to Dalat which was superb. Rented motobikes and enjoyed the magnificent roads which are still under construction and suddenly turn from an empty "highway" to a proper badly maintained dirt road. Dalat is the place of veg, flowers and coffee for Vietnam.
2) Went canyoning and although the canyoning there means less water sliding than in Slovenia it involves a lot more adrenalin. Huge waterfalls with loads of waters, big jumps... you'll see what I mean when I get a chance to put up photos.
3) Cycled most of the way from Dalat to Nha Trang (total is 140km, I did the first (the hard) 95 km). Brilliant scenery (mountains - yes, yes, up and down; coffee plantations; small villages with children running with the bike) but I was shattered at the end... heat did not help one bit :P
4) Met Pete and Freyja in Nha Trang and after a relaxing day we went diving together. Much better diving than Cambodia... nice corals and fish and amazing caves with swim through passages.
5) Night bus to Hoi An. Charming old town which seduces with its calmness and friendlines. I think I'll stick here for a couple of days.
6) Hoi An is also the place of tailors... it is good that I got rid of most of my suits and shirts before I left... For those who've been shopping with me before you know how peculiar I am about what I want. Now I can get it! And cheap! I just have to control myself in order not to get way too much stuff :)
06 April 2010
Let the games...
Ho Chi Ming City ( or Saigon - depending which Vietnamese you are speaking with) is one of the most bustling cities I have been in. Cambodia had empty roads comparing with this. But crossing roads here is much easier... you just walk very slowly across and they avoid you. Simples. :)
The other game is called "How many scams will they try to get you into today" and you really need to be on the ball all the time if you are alone. If you are with other people there is no problem. But the moment I'm alone I get people next to me trying to convince me 100 different things - from being part of gambling scam in Saigon and then on the boat going to Hanoi, to taking some strange one day trip and buying medicine. And also the moment I started walking around alone again I strated being offered drugs. :)
I'm spending one more day here and then hopefully the intensity will decrease and things will go back to a more relaxed state. Not that I don't like it... but it is just a bit too intense for my current state of mind. :) But otherwise I love it. It has everything to offer and it is surprisingly clean and developed. Replace motobikes with cars and street stalls with trash cans and you could almost be in a hot western city.
P.S.: I splashed out and bought a camera! Bought same as I had before and paid for it the same as more than one year ago in London.... amazing... and no, I didn't overpay it comparing with locals! :o
Mum, thanks for correction of my number :D
03 April 2010
Goodbye Cambodia...
The last days in Cambodia were amazing. Went to Kampot and the lazy seaside resort of Kep. Both places are ex French resorts and also noticably richer than the rest of Cambodia.
1) Trekking in jungle to the Bokor Hill station which is an abandoned hotel and casino built at the begining of 20th century. Although the trek was only 4 hours it was one ofthe most intense walking things that I ahve done. The path was not even properly cut out and we got lost with the ranger (well.. they were still cutting the path through the jungle) a couple of times. The top view was amazing... calm,the mist raising from below, really tranquille.
2) Kep is small seaside place with brilliant crab - they keep them in cages in the sea in front ofthe restaurant so they are as fresh as they get! :) Kampot and Kep are also known for pepper and we went to see how pepper is grown and then different pepper made.
3) First impressions of Vietnam
Beautiful country but you really need to be more on the ball then in Cambodia. People are much more money driven. And we managed to fall for a scam from the word go! :) Looking back it was bloddy obvious that it is a set up!!! When we arrived to the bus station we were told that the bus has already left.... hmmm... where can we go. Oh no, you could catch another bus, but we would need to take you 10 minutes away to another village. OK, negotiated the price for the drive and left. Set at a road side cafe (yeah... why the hell would they bus stop there?!?) and chatted with the guy. The bus arrives and the all the laguage and everything was on and there was imense hurry.... and the price... let's say well overcharged. But hey... lesson learned. Klemen should not trust people until they prove him wrong on the road!! :)
today we went to see the floating markets on the Mekong and it is nice to just drift around on the river and the canals and observe the life on the river and by the sides on the country side.
4) I'm writting we as I have been travelling with an English girl and with a French guys (up to Vietnam). She is very relaxed and easy to travel with...
5) Facebook is blocked in Vietnam so... don't write to my wall and can someone fwd me anything from my wall I should know about :)
6) I'm a proud owner of a Nokia and can be reached my dialing +84 120 44 56 437
7) Camera prices are extortionate in Vietnam and there is *no* *way* I'm paying more than in UK. And they don't really seem interested to sell. Maybe I'll have more luck in Ho Chi Ming City (ex Saigon). If not, I'll take photos from other people until family arrives to Hanoi mid month.
29 March 2010
"This is number one...
The plan for today was to take an early morning bus to Kampot, go around the city and arrange a jungle trekking for a couple of days. Easy, no stress,... my usual.
What I was planning to write as my next post was how brilliant the sea food here is and that even Mexico (my No.1 sea food place until now) is overshadowed. Clams, scallops, barracuda, squid... all deliciously prepared and incredibly cheap.
But instead, I will describe my day until now:
- Took a cold shower around midnight to cool down and go to bed.
- As per my usual, I feel asleep almost instantaneously.
- Woke up at 3 am to go to the toilet and when I came back I wanted to check my mobile to see how long I can still sleep before my bus. My mobile was not next to my bed where I expected it! Open lights, look around... my small backpack is strangely positioned.... check and notice that cash that was in the belt pocket is gone! Check inside and my iPod and my camera are missing! Bloody brilliant!! The door to my room is not locked anymore!!! I had a visitor while I was sleeping...
I guess it is good that I'm quite a deep sleeper cause I have no clue what would happen if I would wake up when he/she was there. But thank god the passport was left lying on the bed and my bank cards as well - a polite thieve one might say... gave me options to continue my travel easily enough. He/she didn't even take my Ray Bans. For my good the person was not just ballsy enough to come in whilst I was in the room and take my mobile from half a meter from me, but also to go through my backpack and pick and choose. :)
- Report the theft to the guesthouse at 6 am when they woke up (didn't get a lot of sleep in between) and then head to the police station. I need the report for my insurance claim.
- Police comes in only at 8 and immediatly tells me that I need a report from guesthouse.
- Back to guest house and start explaining what I need. No one there really speaks English well enough. Guy say "Yes, I do" when I ask him for a letter and then we sit there for an hour. He is eating, looking around... well, I kind of expected his boss who speaks English needs to arrive.
- Boss arrives. Explanations, explanations, explanations... amazement, amazement, amazement... he starts writing. He has a first go. Not good. Second go. Not good. Third attempt. Not good. He goes to get his wife as his Khmer writing is not good enough. Takes one house to write a letter that I'm staying there and that things got stolen during night. No problem... have the letter... happy bunny!
- Police station, second visit... guy sits me down, reads the letter and starts asking me if I was out and if I took drugs and if I have money issues. Hmmm... this will not be so easy as expected. He said he will investigate and that I should come back at 2 with any witnesses I have! Witnesses?!? OK, I ask the Slovenian guy who has the bar to come with me and tell him that I went home yesterday evening... which is true! But at the same time, I decided to put 20 USD into the passport to make things flow nicer.
- Police station, 2 pm, third attempt... the guy is not there!!! We sit outside and he rocks up a bit later. And he asks what the hell am I doing there that he needs to investigate... I should come back tomorrow. Olalalalala... come on... another person starts asking him questions and I sit outside thinking what to do. Suddenly the guy comes back and invites me in. I give him the letter again and a business card from my last job. He looks rather happy with it. He gives me stuff to fill in and takes my passport. He sees the 20 and asks what is this? Hmmm.... money??? And he smiles and hands it to me. Speaking with locals here afterwords they could not believe it!!
- He gives me the police report and all is fine. But when I call the insurance company it turns out that when I come back I have to send them receipts of all these things and then they will give me compensation. Thank god I have enough money and I'm not strapped for cash.
- Mobile is gone and therefore I'm really not reachable anymore. until I buy a Vietnamese number next week.
- iPod Touch is gone and there is not more free Wi-Fi and quick emails each day. Sniff, sniff...
- I have to buy a new camera and I lost photos again!!! This time only two days and not soooo special... although all of them are special in a way.
- Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes oooooon,... or in Slovenian: Zivljenje in gre naprej.. in mi z vami! :)
Over and out
27 March 2010
All's well...
First of all... no photos this time around. Why? Cause I've lend my camera to an American family on the way to small island (their battery ran out and I knew I'll be underwater the whole day) and when I got the camera back at the dive store, the memory card was blank.... bloody brilliant! But, I got their email address and they copied also my photos and they'll send them to my home. So, this is where the title is from...
But I was really looking forward to seeing them as I think some of them rank very high on the favourite photos I've taken list. Why? Let's go with stories which should be under them :)
1) I went from Siem Reap to Battambang with a boat and the boat meanders through floating villages and them on a small river through proper country side. Amazing scenery and a very interesting experience. But since it is a dry season in Cambodia at the moment the waters are low and we had to go out of the boat a couple of times and push the boat as it got stuck on the river bed. When I first went in I was a bit sceptic about the cleanness of the water... it would not be me if I wouldn't go out from the boat where the river was the highest, so that only my head was out. And then... in for a penny, in for a pound... took a swim to a great delight of locals :) I'm glad to report that I have no rashes and all is well :)
2) In Battambang I met Yali who works as security at the market and he is a great guy. He took me to his house for all meals during the 2 days there and around the villages and into a proper Khmer disco (I always had an amazing view of the place since I was a head taller than anyone else). It was really good to see the place with someone like him and all the children from the extended family were amazing!!
3) Now I'm a the coast at Sihanoukville and the first thing that I come across when I come here is.... a Slovenian guy who runs a bar named.... you got it... Slovenija. :) Not only that, the same evening another Slovenian guy came there and he is from the same part of Slovenia as I am. During the summer he lives is Slovenia, making cheese on the high alpine pastures and during winter he escapes to SE Asia... a character, what can I say...
4) I got my PADI licence!!! Wiiiii... I went to Koh Rong for a couple of days and went diving. Koh Rong is a small island with couple of very small villages and amazingly stunning. Divine beaches and pristine jungle with cobras, boas... And on the day we arrived the village celebrated a wedding.... OMG - music was ear deafening and also the music that was playing... let's just say that the western music they were playing is the worst kind of electro/techno music imaginable. At least now I have the answer to the question: Who the hell listens to this! :)
Anyway, didn't get much sleep but had fun observing the locals with the instructor and an English girl who was also doing the course. They were really good fun and when I was with these two guys I felt like in Belgium. Why? Cause he was from Belgium and was speaking and behaving exactly like Wouter (guy from the student organisation I was involved in) and she looks and behaves exactly like Lies (again... student organisation).
5) On the way back from the island we got the pier and the local were excited that we need to leave soon... why we thought? There was a guy sitting in an ice box in water with loads of ice in it. He was actually a guy who works for the dive shop and was good fun... but whilst we were at the sea he was fixing the incinerator (zazigalnica odpadkov) on the island and one of the locals turned it on by accident. How can it happen - let's say that safety is not a primary concern when building things like this here. The guy was badly burned and we all felt sooooo much for him on the way to main land. 2 hours by slow boat and quite big waves. Thank god a guy from the divers had morphine and could ease his pain... I was then speaking with them and they said that sure, there is a fast boat or even a helicopter, but there is no medical insurance that would cover this! But, it ended well as it turns out that yes, the burns are over a large part of body, but all except the hand are first degree. And even the hand will be OK.
6) Sea food is delicious and BBQ fish are just divine here. Today I had 10 small lobsters for lunch... 2 dollars. MMmmmmmmm.... dinner is baracuda.
18 March 2010
I shall not dwell...
Just to say that I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time. If I steal a slogan of one of the most recognisable companies on this planet, which still hasn't found its way to Cambodia: I'm loving"it!!!
13 March 2010
A bit...
This is a poem from the Tuol Sleng Museum, which was the torture prison under the Khmer Rouge regime. Needless to say it was not written in the prison or by anyone who was there... no one survived!
- - - - - - - - -
The New Regime
Poem By Sarith Pou in Corpse Watching
No religious rituals.
No Religious Symbols.
No fortune tellers.
No traditional healers.
No paying respect to elders.
No social status.No titles.
No education. No training.
No school. No learning.
No books. No library.
No science. No technology.
No pens. No paper.
No currency. No bartering.
No buying. No selling.
No begging. No giving.
No purses. No wallets.
No human rights. No liberty.
No courts. No judges.
No laws. No attorneys.
No communications.
No public transportation.
No private transportation.
No traveling. No mailing.
No inviting. No visiting.
No faxes. No telephones.
No social gatherings.
No chitchatting.
No jokes. No laughter.
No music. No dancing.
No romance. No flirting.
No fornication. No dating.
No wet dreaming.
No masturbating.
No naked sleepers.
No bathers.
No nakedness in showers.
No love songs. No love letters.
No affection.
No marrying. No divorcing.
No martial conflicts. No fighting.
No profanity. No cursing.
No shoes. No sandals.
No toothbrushes. No razors.
No combs. No mirrors.
No lotion. No make up.
No long hair. No braids.
No jewelry.
No soap. no detergent. No shampoo.
No knitting. No embroidering.
No coloured clothes, except black.
No styles, except pajamas.
No wine. No palm sap hooch.
No lighters. No cigarettes.
No morning coffee. No afternoon tea.
No snacks. No desserts.
No breakfast (sometimes no dinner).
No mercy. No forgiveness.
No regret. No remorse.
No second chances. No excuses.
No complaints. No grievances.
No help. No favours.
No eyeglasses. No dental treatment.
No vaccines. No medicines.
No hospitals. No doctors.
No disabilities. No social diseases.
No tuberculosis. No leprosy.
No kites. No marbles. No rubber bands.
No cookies. No popsicle. No candy.
No playing. No toys.
No lullabies.
No rest. No vacations.
No holidays. No weekends.
No games. No sports.
No staying up late.
No newspapers.
No radio. No TV.
No drawing. No painting.
No pets. No pictures.
No electricity. No lamp oil.
No clocks. No watches.
No hope. No life.
A third of the people didn't survive.
The regime died.
12 March 2010
It is hot and noisy and chaotic and I love it! I'm just a bit afraid that i have settled in too quickly as a feel perfectly safe everywhere. But that is mostly due to the incredibly nice and friendly Cambodians. Of course they always ask if you want a ride on the moto or tuk tuk but that is what makes their modest living. But they always smile and are not pushy... They talk even when they know they will not make business. And the children are by far the best in their fearlessness and how they approach people. And even if a lot of them are very poor. All people seem have this charming smile... One has to wonder what the smile was like before... Before 1970 when the events which led to a raveged country started.
But at the same time one could argue that it is exatcly this national personality which allowed for the attrocities of pol pot a bit more than 30 years ago. A nation which trusts and is happy... I know, way over simplfied but anyway.
At least I was a complete tabula rasa on Cambodia before a girl of a Cambodian descent told me a few things. I mean, sure I knew Pol Pot was a baddie but that was more or less it! I had no clue that he basically tortured the whole population and reduced it by a bit more than one third, yes 1/3, yes 33% (only estimates, but this is the most commmon one) in just 3, yes three, years!!! and methods used were just horrific. I've asked myself many times before how come ppl can be so - there isn't even a word strong enough for it! But visiting the killing fields and reading a book on history from 1965 onwards just make you wanna sit down and cry! If I always come exceptionally moved from the WW1 museum in Slovenia where I was brought up, then this has overshadowed it by a good margin!!!
Anyway, to end on a "positive" note... I love my first days and there has been spool much positive. But today was just too powerful to write down everything else I wanted. Next time...
P.S.: I don't seem to be receiving text messages although I can send them. Use email if you need me... but it may take timeeeee
07 March 2010
Ko bom potoval, po blog pač update za vse in ne samo za Slovence. Za večino vem, da to ne bo problem, za ostale pa... tako, kot sedaj Angleži berejo moj blog... Google Translate :)
So, here we go... the room is more or less empty and things more or less in order. There are still things I need to get (the most important being my credit card which was reissued by my bank last week - bloody good timing!) and there are still people I need to say bye to and there is a person who I need to say bye to.
Whilst packing I also found out that I have smartly taken all my trekking shoes back to Slovenia, so my old fateful Adidas will walk the country where they were originally made.
05 March 2010
Prebudil se je rano...
Od danes pa vsaj do sredine junija bo prebujanje veliko lazje! Edini dan, ko se moram zgodaj prebuditi je 17 april, ko pride na "obisk" familija! In takrat se bom sigurno rad prebudil zgodaj.
Sedaj pa hop k stranki za pol dneva (firmi sluzim denarcke do zadnjega) in potem laptop - check, mobitel - check, firmina kreditna kartica - check, pass za firmo - check, hlace z riti in srajco v nahrbtnik - check, kavbojke in majico nase - check in wiiiiiii...
03 March 2010
Ampak vem, da nisem edini in da imajo nekateri večje, hitrejše vrtiljake! Naj se lepo odvrti...
01 March 2010
Podatki, podatki,...
Ta teden je v Economistu poseben fokus namenjen prav podatkom... zanimivo branje za vsakogar, ki je vsaj malce vržen na analize in odkrivanja korelacij.
P.S.: Danes je bil zadnji ponedeljek za kar nekaj tednov, ko sem moral zjutraj zgodaj vstati, da grem v službo! Mater je bil lep dan! Jutro je pa sploh bilo eno lepših v Londonu...
26 February 2010
Prešpikali so me...
Omara se...
To, da grem potovat in da se selim je priročno za čistko! Dve veeeliiiikiiii vreči srajc, puloverjev, oblek in raznih zadevščin gre na "Clothes Swap". Kolegica vsake toliko časa najame lokal in vsi prinesejo stvari, ki jih ne potrebujejo več. Kolikor stvari prineseš, lahko tudi odneseš. Kar ostane pa gre v dobrodelne namene.
23 February 2010
22 February 2010
Počutim se...
Ma kej bi lahnu tudi eno mrowčka zelene, rumene in plave? Ali pa vsaj oranžne?
20 February 2010
Če me hočete videti na malih ekranih...
Tukaj imam prijateljico, ki je baje kar slavna doma. Malce zaradi bloga, malce zaradi zmage na nekem kvizu 9 let nazaj, malce zaradi člankov v časopisih, piše knjigo,... skratka, ukvarja se z vsem in to uspešno - ja, another one!!!
No, včeraj sta imela skupna prijatelja mešanico praznovanja kitajskega novega leta in house warming-a in dan prej mi kolega pove, da bo tam snemalna ekipa! Oči na peclje, ampak v redu. Da njihova televizija snema oddajo v stilu "Dan njenega življenja", ki se veselo snema skozi cel teden! Ironija per se :) Ampak pustimo detajle ob strani. Ekipa pride, snema, blablabla.... In ugotovijo, da sem ji od vseh tam (razen gostiteljev, ki so bili zaposleni) jaz med najbolj znanimi. Hop cefizelj in sem imel mikrofon pred usti! Jo je hitro skrbelo kaj sem povedal... hihihihihi...
Prav žal mi je...
A se lahko prosim umirite in me:
a) Ne silite, da se pol ure ukvarjam z nečim, če vam povem, da mi to ni niti najmanj pomembno. Verjamem, da vam pač je in zato se preprosto odločite in mi povejte. Problem rešen!
b) Ne vrtate zakaj in kako to da ne, če rečem, da preprosto ne grem / pridem. Verjemite ali ne, ampak tudi jaz imam včasih kaj, kar hočem obdržati sebe ali pa samo za določene.
c) Ne vztrajate, da planiram svoje življenje zaradi vas! Se imam za zelo prilagoljivega, ampak nekje je pa meja - če niste na listi ljudi, za katere se vedno dobi način. In če nočem planirat, potem mi verjetno to ni top prioriteta!
18 February 2010
London - Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh - Hong Kong, Hong Kong - London
Zdaj se je šele usedlo, da res kmalu odhajam!! Wiiiiiiiii.....
14 February 2010
Za zacetek kitajskega leta tigra, pa se malce poezije in muzike:
William Blake: The Tyger
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
In Katie Melua: Tiger in the Night
08 February 2010
I have a date...
02 February 2010
Ugriznil sem...
Včeraj sem šel v China town na večerjo. Ker sem bil v družbi domorodke (Kitajke), sem ji veselo prepustil vse naročanje hrane. Vprašanje: Kako prenašaš pekoče zadeve? Kar vredu... London me je naučil tega. Ampak, kaj pa je pekoče zanjo? Hmmm...
Pride natakarica in nekaj ščebetata in potem me natakarica pogleda in se posmeji... Kaj hudiča bo to?
Glavna jed je bil goveji hot pot - neke vrste čorba. Na vrhu je bila cca 5 mm plast čilija. Zbral sem pogum in je kar šlo. Niti ni bilo pekoče. Potem pa vzamem nov košček, ugriznem in začutim popolnoma nov okus. Pekoče, zelo pekoče... vendar ne pekoče kot čili. Kaj hudiča bi to lahko bilo? Potem mi naenkrat mi vse na spodnji desni strani ust otopi. No, kot me je podučila (in danes Andy - sodelavec iz Malezije, po rodu Kitajec) je to Sichuanski poper (Sichuan pepper), ki pa v resnici sploh ni poper! Kr neki :)
Nauk zgodbe: Zajec ne tiči vedno v tistem grmu kjer ga pričakuješ!
P.S.: Preden padejo vprašanja in ljudje začnejo uporabljati Google translate - sodelavka in prijateljica.
31 January 2010
Prime numbers...
In his first-year Mattia had studied the fact that among the prime numbers there are some that are even more special. Mathematicians call them twin primes: they are pairs of prime numbers that are close to one another, almost neighbours, but between them there is always an even number that prevents them from really touching. Numbers like 11 and 13, like 17 and 19, 41 and 43. If you have the patience to go on counting, you discover that these pairs gradually become rarer. You encounter increasingly isolated primes, lost in that silent, measured space made only of numbers and you become aware of the distressing sense that the pairs encountered up until that point were an accidental fact, that their true fate is to remain alone. Then, just when you’re about to surrender, when you no longer have any desire to go on counting, you come across another two twins, clutching one another tightly. Among mathematicians it is a common conviction that however far you go, there will always be more pairs, even if no one can say where, until they are discovered.
- - - -
A big *thanks* to the person who sent me a surprise package, including a book by Paolo Giorgano, The Solitude of Prime Numbers, where the above extract comes from.
30 January 2010
Lepa pravljica ali...
Danes sem bil po dolgem času spet v kinu. Gledat sem šel film, ki je podrl vse rekorde - Avatar. In kot se spodobi v 3D.
Najbolj sem bil presenečen nad jasno politično usmerjenostjo filma. Bolj anti big business filma že nekaj časa nisem videl. Izkoriščanje naravnih virov za ceno skupnosti, družbenih vrednot in konec koncev narave same. No, film se z lahkoto gleda tudi brez naravnih virov - samo skozi vpliv velikih firm na vsakdanje življenje (velike farmacevtske in prehranbene firme imajo kar veliko blata v tretjem svetu - no, kar nekaj tudi v razvitem).
Čeprav se v takšnih debatah vedno postavi nasproti kapitalu, so po moje šli tokrat malce predaleč "to prove a point". Čeprav verjamem, da so CEO-ji Shell-a, Nestle-ja, Walmart-a,... odgovorni za marsikatero zelo zelo grdo zadevščino, pa vseeno nimajo v Outlookovem koledarju vsak dan pol ure rezervirane za etično čiščenje in popoln napad na vse kar leze in gre.
Kakorkoli... vseeno je dober film, ki se ga lahko gleda z različnih vidikov in v katerem bo vsak lahko načel nekaj zase.
27 January 2010
25 January 2010
Kot bi poletnega...
Po tednih/mesecih možganske telovadbe in cincanja, sem strumno odkorakal v pisarno in izustil: "Dajem odpoved!" In kmalu potem sedel s najbližnjimi sodelavci in se pogovarjal o poslovilcu, osmih tednih preden odkorakam in potovanju pred novo službo!
17 January 2010
Conversation starter...
Podlaga: Včeraj sem večino dneva preživel z nekom, ki dela v Belgiji. In njegova glavna teza je bila, da so v Londoni vsi tako zelo prijazni. No, jaz se nisem čisto strinjal, pa vendar priznam, da je nivo postrežbe in vljudnosti verjetno nad belgijskim. No... in potem se nam na podzemni dogodi, da nas ogovori gospa in izmenjamo par stavkov. In to potrdi njegovo tezo, čeprav jaz vztrajam, da je to redkost!
Zvečer gremo na pijačo in prijateljica mi prinese darilo z njenega novoletnega "izleta". Škatlico čokoladic z espressom Max Brenner. Jaz se seveda lepo zahvalim, ampak nekako čokoladicam ne dam preveliko pozornosti. Ona pač ve, da a) imam rad temno čokolado in b) da sem velik ljubitelj espressa. Suma summarum, odlično darilo!
Potem pa grem, da ujamem zadnjo podzemno nazaj domov. 00.30. JazDotakni igra Rupa and The April Fishes in s škatlico čokolade v rokah (nisem imel torbe ali dovolj velikih žepov) čakam - no, verjetno malce poplesujem - kot ponavadi - and no, not under any kind of substance! Vlak se ustavi, stopim na Central Line in se zgužvam med sedeže, kjer je več prostora. In neka oseba se zgužva za mano. Pa dobro... normalno... ampak hop... oseba si odstrani slušalke in me ogovori. In kaj je vzrok... ja, čokolada. Prvi stavki, pojejo slavo čokoladi in kako je dobra in kako naj jo cherish (cenim ni najboljši prevod... nima pravega občutka... pomagajte!!! :) ) No, pogovor se je razvil v pogovor o londonskih restavracijah in priporočilih. Pot domov je minila v trenutku.
Zanimiv tajming zaradi debate o prijaznosti ljudi v Londonu in tudi zato, ker imam za seboj pravi mali gurmanski teden s tremi vrhunci:
- sashimi v majhni, relativno neznani, ampak zelo cenjeni restavraciji Sushi-Hiro. Če ste v Londonu in vam je suši všeč je to verjetno najboljša izbira! Rezervacija nujna!
- Baked Alaska s hruškami v rdečem vinu po odlični predjedi in glavni jedi v L'Autre Pied. Ljubim januar, ko Angleži nimajo denarja in so na shujševalnih kurah! Promocijeeeeee... plačaš za enega, ostali (do 4 drugi) plačajo 5 funtov za celotno večerjo!!!! In to je sestrska restavracija veliki Pied-a-Terre, ki je trdno zasidrana kot moja najboljša večerja.
- solata s prekajano raco in črnimi tartufi v Checconi's.
Edino kar me malce skrbi pri vsem tem je, da se moj želodec nekaj pritožuje zadnje tedne... tako, bolj generalno! In vsake nekaj dni ne morem pojesti skoraj ničesar... kot naprimer danes!
P.S.: Ne skrbet, redno gibam in alkohola je izredno malo. Ena od zgornjih večerji je bila z zelenim čajem; druga z vodo; no, solata pa je pospremljena z nekaj malega vina :)
Moj zvesti spremljevalec...
15 January 2010
Ko že misliš...

Slikano na WCju naše firme (verjetno visi že dolgo, ampak sem bil v pisarni prvič od poletja naprej. Bi si človek mislil, da si bodo ljudje na svetovalnih firmah znali umiti roke - pa čeprav verjamem, da si jih ne umivajo vsi - ampak sigurno pa znajo!
In če ne uspete prebrati posameznih točk:
1) Wet hands and wrists, apply soap.
2) Lather for at least 15 seconds, including between fingers, the back of your hand, wrists, and fingertips.
3) Rinse thoroughly
4) Dry
Ajnfoh ku pasulj!
08 January 2010
Česar polno je srce,...
Nekdo je trenutno zelo srečen, saj spušča namiga vsepovsod. Z njim pa še nekdo. :) Čestitam!!!!
P.S. Oprostite za post, ki večini ne pomeni prav nič. Ampak tudi moje srce je sedaj polno tega in moram govoriti ;D
06 January 2010
London je kar naekrat poln....
Piruete, razkoračke, špage ter četrtinske in polovične salte nazaj so bile danes nekaj pogostega. In predvidevam, da bomo jutri še veliko bolj nadarjeni. Plošniki in ceste so namreč že pošteno zamrznjeni - soljenje? Kje pa... še za glavne ceste ni dovolj mašinerije in peska. :D
P.S.: Sam se še ne štejem med gimnastičarje... vrhunec je kakšen izpadni korak tu pa tam.
03 January 2010
I admit...
A couple of highlights and things I found out on this trip in no particular order:
- Ghadames with its labyrinth and great architecture.
- Sunrises in the desert.
- Sunsets in the desert :) Truly stunning colours. Amazing!!!
- Leptis Magna and the Roman heritage.
- Peace and silence second to none when you wake up before the camp or when you take a stroll away from the group. There are even no birds to sing in the mornings.
- Running and jumping down the sand dunes.
- When travelling I still always dream more or less the same dreams. I really need to face parts of my past.
- Setting logic puzzles with the Tuareg and smoking a shisha.
- Sahara isn't all the same... it changes all the time and its beauty and variety are simply something you need to experience. The colours in the morning and the evening, the vast planes, basalt rocks and mountains sticking out of the sand, oasis and lonely trees in the middle of nothing, lakes in the middle of nowhere, crazy shaped rocks eroded by the winds, different colours of the sand, mountains with breath taking views, shows formed by full moon, array of starts visible when the moon sets and there is no light around, heat in the day and cold in the mornings,... No photo or description can do justice!
- Man made things (present or ancient) are interesting and a lot of times mind boggling, but nature impresses me on a completely different level.
- What we call religious in Europe is many times just a book club comparing with the dedication of Tuareg to Islam.
- Silver craftsmanship of Tuareg who in the past had all their "savings" in the form of silver jewellery worn by women.
- Openness of the Libyan society and even more so of the Tuareg people and their customs in relation to marriage.
- Learning about star constellations for about the thousand and first time - this time I'll remember more :)
- An walk through the desert on the new years even with full moon shining above and a partial lunar eclipse just gone bye.
- ............. it goes on and on
- and last but not least... spending longer time with my dad again reminded me how amazing the guy is!
Due to share beauty of Libya I took way too many photos although I knew they will look more or less the same. :) You can see some of them on Pobarvani trenutki (Moments Coloured In).