04 July 2008

Laughter is...

... infectious

I got a scolding from yet another mate yesterday for not writing in English. So I face my dilemma again. It is definitely not possible to write both in Slovenian and English - so which one should it be. Writing in both is simply too time consuming and I can be bothered.
So, I guess it is down to my primary target audience... friends back home. Are you OK with me continuing in English? If not... say it out loud now and I'll be writing in Slovenian.

Anyway, here is a clip which will hopefully make you laugh - simply because laugther is infectious.


milton said...

Ti kar piši angleško, komentarje bomo pa vseeno pisali po slovensko.

Boza said...

Zame bo to kar primerna vaja razumevanja agleščine ... tako da fajn ... vsak dan po malo.