10 June 2009

Britanski turisti...

... so znani po svojem ne preveč lepem vedenju.

Pred kratkim so na Kreti arentirali par Angležev, ker so oblečeni v nune s križi kazali riti... no comment je najbolj primeren komentar. In to je bila iztočnica za debato ob kateri sem se nasmejal. Še bolj pa sem se nasmejal ob branju člankov.

Davnega leta 1998 je odstopil Britanski konzul na Ibizi. Razlog: Degenerirano vedenje Britancev. :)

Par boljših misli iz obeh člankov (prvi, drugi):
-The UK Vice-Consul to Ibiza who resigned over the behaviour of what he termed British "degenerates" holidaying on the island...
- Advertising copy for popular package holiday company Club 18-30 runs: "Danceathon, drinkathon, bronzathon, partyathon...
- "I have always been proud to be British but these degenerates are dragging us through the mud. The young people are out of control. I am so angry at the degrading behaviour and the bad name Britain is getting in Europe. I knew it was time to leave."

In še najboljša (komentar lokalca):
"But the crazy thing is, we see them all doing that bad stuff and then they go out and stand in a polite queue for taxis, which Spanish people never do."

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