06 December 2007

Izzet / Drained

Imam se za cloveka ki ne more dolgo mirovati in pocivati... vedno moram nekaj poceti. Ce ne drugega resevati soduku. :) Sedaj pa... Nikoli v zivljenju se nisem bil tako izcrpan kot sem sedaj. Seveda sem bil utrujen po BEST-ovih eventih ko se je en teden vsak dan delalo 12 ur, 8 ur zuralo in 4 ure spalo. Seveda sem takrat potreboval spanec. Ampak tokrat je drugace... spanje ne pomaga!

Od zadnjih 6 tednov sem jih 5 prezivel v collegu. To pomeni predavanja od 9 do 4-4.30 in potem se cca. 2 uri domace naloge. In ker je tolk materiala za predelat so seveda tudi vikendi delavni. Saj se ne slisi veliko, ampak toliko novih stvari ki sem jih moral v tem casu sprocesirati... Pocasi se zacenja kaditi iz mojega procesorja.

Komaj cakam sredo ko imam oba izpita (vsak tri ure... neclovesko - razmisljam da bi jih prijavil na drustvo za zascito malih zivali). Potem pa pocitnice! Res jih potrebujem.
V torek sem prisel domov popolnoma izzet. Fizicno in psihicno... glava tako polna vsega, da sem imel obcutek da je cisto prazna (vem da stavek ni smiselen, ampak tako sem se pocutil).

Mogoce pa je to staranje... Neeeeeeeeeeeee

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I have never felt this tired before. Of course I was drained after a week with BEST. 7 days of working 12 hours per day, partying for 8 and sleeping for 4. Sure, I desperately needed sleep. But this time it is different. Sleep doesn't do the trick! I need to turn my head off for a while.

I've spent 5 of the last 6 weeks in college. Lessons from 9 to 4 - 4.30 and then 2 hours of homework. And due to the share volume of material weekends can't be used to kick back. I know we did it at uni when exams were coming up, but... it wasn't the same amount of information that needed to be processed... My brain is close to shutting as the temperature is reaching the melt down point.

Wednesday, come to me.... both my exams are on Wednesday (3 hours each!?) and then I'm off... holidays! I really need them. On Tuesday when I came home I was felt like all life is sucked out of me... My head was full but felt empty.

Maybe all this are just signs of ageing... Nooooooooo

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