24 December 2007


Zelo pozitivno sem bil presenecen ko sem prisel v Estonijo. Pricakoval sem pusto, komunisticno mesto. Vendar je Talin izjemno lep. Lepo starno mesto jedro (tudi polno lepih punc), okrog jedra se gradi 100 na uro, standard je nekje na istem nivoju... Se mi zdi da sem imel kar malce predsodkov, ki pa so se hitro razblinili.

V Estonijo pa sem sel za to da se dobim z Kristjanom in Thanosom. Super je bilo. Toliko smo si imel za povedat, da kar res ni bilo. Se pa vidi da vsi delamo in smo malce bolj odrasli. Debate so se spremenile. Srecali smo se tudi z nekaterimi ostalimi BEST-ovci in z enim od boardov v BESTu (cisto slucajno so imeli ravno takrat srecanje v Talinu). Par slik sledi po novem letu.

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I was very surprised when I came to Estonia. I guess I had the picture of an ex Soviet state with gray concrete blocks. But Tallinn is amazing. A billiant old town with charming streets (and charming women) and very rapid development outside it. The standard is more or less the same as in Slovenia.

But the main point of visiting Tallinn were Kristjan and Thanasis. It was great. We had so many things to say to each other (apart from the usual ironic banter). But it was clear that we are now all working and that we have grown up - a bit. The debates have changed.
We also met some other BESTies from Tallinn and members of one of the previous board so I also met some of other very good friends from BEST.

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