31 January 2010

Prime numbers...

... are divisible only by 1 and by themselves. They stand in their place in the infinite series of natural numbers, squashed in between two others, like all other numbers, but a step further on than the rest. They are suspicious and solitary, which is why Mattia thought they were wonderful. Sometimes he thought that they had ended up in that sequence by mistake, that they’d been trapped like pearls strung on a necklace. At other times he suspected that they too would rather have been like all the others, just ordinary numbers, but for some reason they weren’t capable of it. The second thought struck him mostly at night, in the chaotic interweaving of images that comes before sleep, when the mind is too weak to tell itself lies.
In his first-year Mattia had studied the fact that among the prime numbers there are some that are even more special. Mathematicians call them twin primes: they are pairs of prime numbers that are close to one another, almost neighbours, but between them there is always an even number that prevents them from really touching. Numbers like 11 and 13, like 17 and 19, 41 and 43. If you have the patience to go on counting, you discover that these pairs gradually become rarer. You encounter increasingly isolated primes, lost in that silent, measured space made only of numbers and you become aware of the distressing sense that the pairs encountered up until that point were an accidental fact, that their true fate is to remain alone. Then, just when you’re about to surrender, when you no longer have any desire to go on counting, you come across another two twins, clutching one another tightly. Among mathematicians it is a common conviction that however far you go, there will always be more pairs, even if no one can say where, until they are discovered.

- - - -

A big *thanks* to the person who sent me a surprise package, including a book by Paolo Giorgano, The Solitude of Prime Numbers, where the above extract comes from.

30 January 2010

Lepa pravljica ali...

... film izredno politične narave.

Danes sem bil po dolgem času spet v kinu. Gledat sem šel film, ki je podrl vse rekorde - Avatar. In kot se spodobi v 3D.

Najbolj sem bil presenečen nad jasno politično usmerjenostjo filma. Bolj anti big business filma že nekaj časa nisem videl. Izkoriščanje naravnih virov za ceno skupnosti, družbenih vrednot in konec koncev narave same. No, film se z lahkoto gleda tudi brez naravnih virov - samo skozi vpliv velikih firm na vsakdanje življenje (velike farmacevtske in prehranbene firme imajo kar veliko blata v tretjem svetu - no, kar nekaj tudi v razvitem).

Čeprav se v takšnih debatah vedno postavi nasproti kapitalu, so po moje šli tokrat malce predaleč "to prove a point". Čeprav verjamem, da so CEO-ji Shell-a, Nestle-ja, Walmart-a,... odgovorni za marsikatero zelo zelo grdo zadevščino, pa vseeno nimajo v Outlookovem koledarju vsak dan pol ure rezervirane za etično čiščenje in popoln napad na vse kar leze in gre.

Kakorkoli... vseeno je dober film, ki se ga lahko gleda z različnih vidikov in v katerem bo vsak lahko načel nekaj zase.

25 January 2010

Kot bi poletnega...

... sončnega večera po napornem in stresnem sestanku našel udoben fotelj na terasi ob reki, se udobno namestil, odprl flaškico Schweppes-ovega tonika in ga zlil v malce širši, visok kozarec poln ledu z dva prstoma Tanqueraya na dnu. In ko se takojšnje šumenje pomiri, odtisnil še dve debeli rezini limete in jih odvrgel v kozarec. S sončnimi očali na glavi naredil prvi požirek in z ljudmi, ki so mi blizu gledal sončni zahod nad reko in mestom ter debatiral o neki nepomembni, a nam "pomembni" zadevi.

Po tednih/mesecih možganske telovadbe in cincanja, sem strumno odkorakal v pisarno in izustil: "Dajem odpoved!" In kmalu potem sedel s najbližnjimi sodelavci in se pogovarjal o poslovilcu, osmih tednih preden odkorakam in potovanju pred novo službo!

17 January 2010

Conversation starter...

... ali Box of chocolates.

Podlaga: Včeraj sem večino dneva preživel z nekom, ki dela v Belgiji. In njegova glavna teza je bila, da so v Londoni vsi tako zelo prijazni. No, jaz se nisem čisto strinjal, pa vendar priznam, da je nivo postrežbe in vljudnosti verjetno nad belgijskim. No... in potem se nam na podzemni dogodi, da nas ogovori gospa in izmenjamo par stavkov. In to potrdi njegovo tezo, čeprav jaz vztrajam, da je to redkost!

Zvečer gremo na pijačo in prijateljica mi prinese darilo z njenega novoletnega "izleta". Škatlico čokoladic z espressom Max Brenner. Jaz se seveda lepo zahvalim, ampak nekako čokoladicam ne dam preveliko pozornosti. Ona pač ve, da a) imam rad temno čokolado in b) da sem velik ljubitelj espressa. Suma summarum, odlično darilo!

Potem pa grem, da ujamem zadnjo podzemno nazaj domov. 00.30. JazDotakni igra Rupa and The April Fishes in s škatlico čokolade v rokah (nisem imel torbe ali dovolj velikih žepov) čakam - no, verjetno malce poplesujem - kot ponavadi - and no, not under any kind of substance! Vlak se ustavi, stopim na Central Line in se zgužvam med sedeže, kjer je več prostora. In neka oseba se zgužva za mano. Pa dobro... normalno... ampak hop... oseba si odstrani slušalke in me ogovori. In kaj je vzrok... ja, čokolada. Prvi stavki, pojejo slavo čokoladi in kako je dobra in kako naj jo cherish (cenim ni najboljši prevod... nima pravega občutka... pomagajte!!! :) ) No, pogovor se je razvil v pogovor o londonskih restavracijah in priporočilih. Pot domov je minila v trenutku.

Zanimiv tajming zaradi debate o prijaznosti ljudi v Londonu in tudi zato, ker imam za seboj pravi mali gurmanski teden s tremi vrhunci:
- sashimi v majhni, relativno neznani, ampak zelo cenjeni restavraciji Sushi-Hiro. Če ste v Londonu in vam je suši všeč je to verjetno najboljša izbira! Rezervacija nujna!
- Baked Alaska s hruškami v rdečem vinu po odlični predjedi in glavni jedi v L'Autre Pied. Ljubim januar, ko Angleži nimajo denarja in so na shujševalnih kurah! Promocijeeeeee... plačaš za enega, ostali (do 4 drugi) plačajo 5 funtov za celotno večerjo!!!! In to je sestrska restavracija veliki Pied-a-Terre, ki je trdno zasidrana kot moja najboljša večerja.
- solata s prekajano raco in črnimi tartufi v Checconi's.

Edino kar me malce skrbi pri vsem tem je, da se moj želodec nekaj pritožuje zadnje tedne... tako, bolj generalno! In vsake nekaj dni ne morem pojesti skoraj ničesar... kot naprimer danes!

P.S.: Ne skrbet, redno gibam in alkohola je izredno malo. Ena od zgornjih večerji je bila z zelenim čajem; druga z vodo; no, solata pa je pospremljena z nekaj malega vina :)

Moj zvesti spremljevalec...

... JazDotikam je začutil, da se pripravlja nekaj nenavadnega in ta teden neverjetno rad igral Okkervil River in njihovo naslednjo pesem... (ne jemljite vsega dosebesedno in tudi vse stvari niso čisto tako... je pa še kar prikladno)

15 January 2010

Ko že misliš...

... da si videl vrhunec neumnih navodil in opozoril in napotkov, zagledaš to:

Slikano na WCju naše firme (verjetno visi že dolgo, ampak sem bil v pisarni prvič od poletja naprej. Bi si človek mislil, da si bodo ljudje na svetovalnih firmah znali umiti roke - pa čeprav verjamem, da si jih ne umivajo vsi - ampak sigurno pa znajo!

In če ne uspete prebrati posameznih točk:
1) Wet hands and wrists, apply soap.
2) Lather for at least 15 seconds, including between fingers, the back of your hand, wrists, and fingertips.
3) Rinse thoroughly
4) Dry

Ajnfoh ku pasulj!

08 January 2010

Česar polno je srce,...

... to usta govore. Baje.... ;)

Nekdo je trenutno zelo srečen, saj spušča namiga vsepovsod. Z njim pa še nekdo. :) Čestitam!!!!

P.S. Oprostite za post, ki večini ne pomeni prav nič. Ampak tudi moje srce je sedaj polno tega in moram govoriti ;D

06 January 2010

London je kar naekrat poln....

... gimnastičarjev!

Piruete, razkoračke, špage ter četrtinske in polovične salte nazaj so bile danes nekaj pogostega. In predvidevam, da bomo jutri še veliko bolj nadarjeni. Plošniki in ceste so namreč že pošteno zamrznjeni - soljenje? Kje pa... še za glavne ceste ni dovolj mašinerije in peska. :D

P.S.: Sam se še ne štejem med gimnastičarje... vrhunec je kakšen izpadni korak tu pa tam.

03 January 2010

I admit...

... I didn't know almost anything about Libya before setting foot at the airport. It turns out to be an amazing country. Full of ancient history and cities, breath taking deserts and a life that is different to ours.

A couple of highlights and things I found out on this trip in no particular order:
- Ghadames with its labyrinth and great architecture.
- Sunrises in the desert.
- Sunsets in the desert :) Truly stunning colours. Amazing!!!
- Leptis Magna and the Roman heritage.
- Peace and silence second to none when you wake up before the camp or when you take a stroll away from the group. There are even no birds to sing in the mornings.
- Running and jumping down the sand dunes.
- When travelling I still always dream more or less the same dreams. I really need to face parts of my past.
- Setting logic puzzles with the Tuareg and smoking a shisha.
- Sahara isn't all the same... it changes all the time and its beauty and variety are simply something you need to experience. The colours in the morning and the evening, the vast planes, basalt rocks and mountains sticking out of the sand, oasis and lonely trees in the middle of nothing, lakes in the middle of nowhere, crazy shaped rocks eroded by the winds, different colours of the sand, mountains with breath taking views, shows formed by full moon, array of starts visible when the moon sets and there is no light around, heat in the day and cold in the mornings,... No photo or description can do justice!
- Man made things (present or ancient) are interesting and a lot of times mind boggling, but nature impresses me on a completely different level.
- What we call religious in Europe is many times just a book club comparing with the dedication of Tuareg to Islam.
- Silver craftsmanship of Tuareg who in the past had all their "savings" in the form of silver jewellery worn by women.
- Openness of the Libyan society and even more so of the Tuareg people and their customs in relation to marriage.
- Learning about star constellations for about the thousand and first time - this time I'll remember more :)
- An walk through the desert on the new years even with full moon shining above and a partial lunar eclipse just gone bye.
- ............. it goes on and on
- and last but not least... spending longer time with my dad again reminded me how amazing the guy is!

Due to share beauty of Libya I took way too many photos although I knew they will look more or less the same. :) You can see some of them on Pobarvani trenutki (Moments Coloured In).